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Divine Creation

I have always been a seeker. Born into a Catholic family, I liked doing the rosary as a child. When I was 16 I started to study yoga.,which would become a deep passion and love of mine. I would go to the big Barnes and Nobles in downtown NYC and peruse the spiritual section for hours. I was searching for a deeper understanding to life and purpose.

Throughout my life, I have walked on many paths from the Wiccan path to the Native American Red Road to Vajrayana Buddhism, Sufism, Taoism and others. With all, the same goal was in my mind, to find God. To feel connected.

I know that many of us feel a separation from the Divine and that happens early in life due to many circumstances. There is a saying that I like that says the paths are many. this is something that I truly believe.

I have learned that I do not need to go to any temple or place to find God. The divine dwells within us and all beings and all nature. The more that I am able to be thankful and remember that divine nature is within us and all around us, the more that I feel connected. Our culture teaches us that nature is a backdrop for human activity. And yet, as I deepen my connection to nature feeling a true kinship to the plants and the creatures, then i feel intricately connected to a living web of divinely animated creation.

So the spiritual life is here and now. I do like to practice some rituals that make me stop and be still and reflective and we can each create what is meaningful for ourselves. If we choose, we can all walk the path of Light, Peace and Love and allow that to permeate our activities and interactions.

Maurgana Stiastny, LAc, MAcOM, LMT has been an acupuncturist and natural healthcare practitioner for 23 years. Find her at the Quan Yin Healing Center located on the north shore of Maui, or call her at 808.579.8810.

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