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Creatures Of Habit

We are creatures of habit and that’s a good thing. As we learn all of the myriad behaviors that make up who we are: standing, walking, eating, speaking, reading, writing and social interactions we habituate these motor skills, habits and behaviors. Habits create a more efficient means of living. They ensure our survival as well.

As we develop and grow, some of our habituated patterns, upon later mature review, may no longer serve us. Some habits may be unhealthy or even destructive. So making healthy choices is a simple thing to say and think about but a complex process internally.

We are often forced to choose against ingrained traits that we are comfortable and familiar with. Choosing implies intention and consciousness. Often we live our lives without conscious thought and presence, simply relying on our habituated patterns; good, bad or indifferent.

Step one in making healthy choices is realizing the interplay of the habit mind and the volitional mind. Knowing that our habituation is in the realm of our subconscious compels us to take our time and move methodically with intention. This approach insures that our new healthy choices become our new healthy habits, overwriting the outmoded ones.

Making new choices is a discipline. It requires consistency, intention, attention and it needs to be nourishing in someway or you won’t do it. Be kind and gentle with yourself.

We learn by repetition, so stick with it and make it fun or at least keep a sense of humor.

At times it can seem daunting to let go of our comfort zone and stretch to the new more expanded version of ourselves. It is good to reach out for support at times to encourage and support us in making healthy changes.

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