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Are You Tired

Are you Tired?

Fatigue seems to be a big complaint for lots of people. Even if they sleep well and eat “right”. What’s that all about? It’s at times daunting all the interconnectedness of symptoms. One random symptom being linked to another symptom. If you have low energy or fatigue and you have been doing what you can with your diet and you are still struggling with exhaustion, digestive problems and inflammation…. you might need to look at hormones. maybe your adrenals are taxed.

Our society is one that encourages people to do, do, do and go, go go. We are often rushing to and fro and have a laundry list of things we need to do and get done. We all know with the holidays approaching this gets turned up a notch. Your adrenals are small but very very powerful glands that sit on top your kidneys and they are the glands that release cortisol which is a stress hormone. When we are stressed our cortisol levels raise and we can get fight or flight symptoms such as a rapid heart rate and shortness of breath. It can give us bursts of energy that would help us escape a potentially dangerous situation such as a tiger running after you. Even though we are not running from Wild animals…….our adrenals are working overtime.

Sometimes if we have a lot of stress in our lives our cortisol levels can stay high when they should be low. That can make for trouble sleeping. It can also cause adrenal exhaustion or burn out as well,hence exhaustion. Some tricks to supporting your adrenals are taking adaptogenic herbs which are herbs that help to moderate the stress response. Some examples of this are Panax Ginseng,Ashwaganda, Holy Basil, Rhodiola, Eleuthero ginseng and B Vitamins. Another great support for your nervous system and adrenals would be doing Tai Qi, Qi Gong, and Somatic exercises. Slow your breathing down, stop, relax and smell the beautiful flowers.

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